
About Us

Who We Are

Begler Dental is transforming dental tourism in Turkey by creating a new dental tourism patient management system to smoothly cover both pre- and post-treatment care. Our commitment to integrity and transparency ensures exceptional service and value for every patient.


At Begler Dental, we are currently preparing for future integrations of advanced AI technologies.We are actively laying the groundwork to ensure we seamlessly adopt these innovations as they become available, positioning us to remain at the forefront of dental care advancements.


Begler Dental's innovative solution, BeglerCare, revolutionizes the way we deliver cosmetic dental care. This system allows for virtual consultations and remote monitoring, ensuring optimal and safe treatment tailored to each patient's needs, no matter their location. With BeglerCare, we guarantee a seamless and personalized dental care experience from anywhere in the world.

Core Values

These core values of Integrity, Quality, and Transparency are the pillars upon which our clinic stands, guiding our actions and decisions every day, ensuring that we remain a trusted and exemplary provider in the field of dental tourism.


At the heart of our practice lies a commitment to transparency and honesty. Our treatment options and pricing are openly displayed on our website, allowing patients to make informed decisions with clarity and confidence. We tailor our treatment plans to best suit the individual needs of our patients, ensuring that we recommend only the most appropriate procedures. Our case studies, published for all to see, further attest to our ethical approach and dedication to patient care.


Excellence in dental care is our standard. Our commitment to crafting the perfect smile is evident in every case study we share. These examples underscore our clinic's ability to deliver outstanding results, merging artistry with precision in every treatment.


At Begler Dental, we prioritize efficiency as a core value, ensuring that every aspect of our dental care is streamlined for timely and effective treatment outcomes.

We Are Unique

Fair Price

At Begler Dental, we are dedicated to offering value-driven pricing for all our dental services, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible results for their investment. By clearly outlining costs upfront, we empower our patients to make well-informed financial decisions.


BeglerCare represents our dedication to using advanced technology to enhance patient care, offering virtual consultations and continuous remote monitoring to improve treatment outcomes. This system enables us to extend our reach globally, ensuring that distance is no barrier to receiving top-tier dental care.

High Hygiene and Facility Standards

Our clinic upholds the highest hygiene standards and utilizes state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring patient safety and comfort. Our rigorous sterilization protocols and advanced dental technologies demonstrate our commitment to providing a clean and secure treatment environment.

Medical Team

Dr.Ihsan Can Begler


Ercan Merakçı

Lead Nurse

Our Facilities